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Perfectly pleasant
I was really surprised I could buy them in a store. Even just one is such a euphoric feeling it's great. Good party dose. The come up is quick too imo. Without nausea....10/10
- Alexis, 31, OH
Got some samples at work and then ordered for myself. Lovely effect…looking forward to trying two at a time.
- Grant, 27, IN
Fucking amazing
Never tried shrooms before and was terrified going in, trip was amazing, come up was clean and still have visuals about an hour and a half in. Amazing product, well done boys at DAZED
- Dante, 21, TN
I ate 3. Within about an hour I was tripping balls! This was about 6 hours ago and I am still tripping. I am utterly shocked by how strong these are. Totally blind-sided by the potency and effects. I am probably going to go buy a bunch of them. Crazy strong... And that is coming from an experienced psychonaut.
- Sam, 21, KY
Shop Our Products
They came up and hit me in 20 minutes, full blown visuals only 40 minutes in!
These hit Better than any other mushroom gummy on the market
800 MG
Per Piece
Available in
Two Sizes
Does not contain
Cannabinoids or Psilocybin
20 Minute
Absorption Time
Child Resistant
Pharmaceutical Packaging
Ultimate Eye - Opener
We have created a powerful proprietary blend of super-food mushrooms and our signature trippy nootropic blend to bring you the best mushroom experience on the market. We know everyone says it, but we back ours up with rave reviews and happy customers. Our compounds DO NOT CONTAIN cannabinoids or psilocybin and are legal across the US

Only took one and was cheesin’ all night.
I saw my freckles moving after two!”
I saw my freckles moving after two!”
This is the ultimate ‘see for yourself’ product
This is the ultimate ‘see for yourself’ product
Subscribe and get 20% off your first purchase.
Start low, go slow
Shrumfuzed will result in changes to reality and perception but may take time to kick in and is best enjoyed in between meals.
Enjoy when you have time for yourself, free of pesky obligations. You Deserve it.
Some snacks and tunes will help you get to the moon. We personally love smoothies, grapes, and fruit snacks.